Welcome to the new home of IRCnewbies!
It has been a long time coming, however, the new (and hopefully, improved!) website is here. Though the wordpress site was a wonderful starting point, this allowed us to go in a different direction. Take a moment, look around, and most importantly, continue to check back often as everything gets put into the proper places! If you have any questions, comments, or even suggestions, we would love to hear them. You can easily access our facebook page, twitter page, or even our email by simply clicking the appropriate icon up in the upper right hand corner.
This site was designed to ensure users from various IRC (Internet relay chat) networks to have a place to come for quality help. Though, we primarily focus on the DALnet chat network at this moment, we will eventually venture out into networks that don't offer 'services' (meaning: nickserv, chanserv,etc.) Along with quality help, we'll provide a list of #channels that we feel are appropriate for our users. You will also learn about the people who work to bring you IRCnewbies.com

mIRC is a popular program in which millions of users have downloaded from all around the world. A majority of the users who visit IRCnewbies will using this program. When it comes to the mIRC client, our staff here know just about everything there is to know. There are thousands of networks to choose from when you download. A majority of our staff will be found on the DALnet chat network. DALnet has been around since 1995, and there are members on the network that have been around since that very first day. The owner of IRCnewbies has been on this network since 1996.
Along with great, quality help from IRCnewbies.com, you'll also be able to receive our newsletter. We currently have 335 members signed up, and always encourage others to join in! The newsletter will focus on topics that are relevant, as well as interviews with various CSOps, IRCOps, helpers, and even users of networks. IRCnewbies newsletters have no set releases at this moment; we send them out as the material becomes completed, edited, and structured. Keep in mind, IRCnewbies will never sell your email address to a third party company. We will never give your email out to any other members. It's kept under strict (and confidential) staff members of IRCnewbies.com!
This website was created by Keith, and is monitored by him. If you would like to know more about the owner/creator of IRCnewbies.com & the founder of DALnet's official help channels #aide & #html, you can do so by clicking here. If you look in the top right hand corner of the website, you'll find our facebook group. Feel free to send us a request to join! Beside that, you'll see the twitter icon; this will allow you to follow Keith on twitter; lastly is the email. Feel free to send an email! (Keep in mind, your IP address is logged when you send an email).