Channel Management
Channel Super Operators
Channel Auto Ops
Channel Voices (+)
The #HTML channel management consists of the following members.
The channel founder (Owner): Keith
Channel Managers are those who handle any & all channel issues when the founder isn't available. The management team has full control of the channel & they have final say. Keep in mind, if you ever (which I doubt) have an issue with one of the channel management; please email us immediately. The Management team consists of HorseC (Deceased/Honor) & ChiefMinister.
The channel founder (Owner): Keith
Channel Managers are those who handle any & all channel issues when the founder isn't available. The management team has full control of the channel & they have final say. Keep in mind, if you ever (which I doubt) have an issue with one of the channel management; please email us immediately. The Management team consists of HorseC (Deceased/Honor) & ChiefMinister.
The Super Operators (SOp's) of #HTML are just as valuable as our channel management team. These team members have shown great dedication. He/She has worked their way from a voiced user to an aop; followed by SOp. We thank each and every one of our SOp's. The Super Operators of #HTML have the ability to handle any & all Auto Operator (AOp) issues. He/She has the ability to manage our Auto Kick (AKick) list. These members also have the ability to add/remove any of our Auto Operators. Though, #HTML works on a voting system; there may (or may not) be times where an immediate removal/situation occurs. The current Super Operators in #HTML are Ivan, MaSouD, and nt-spki. Thanks again for all the great work you have done for #HTML.
The Auto Operators (AOp's) of #HTML are the backbone to our channel. Without the hard work and dedication these individuals put in, #HTML wouldn't be the recommended help channel on DALnet that it is today. These members have the ability to remove/ban anyone that is disruptive to our channel. They have the ability to vote upon new staff members; including having the ability to be promoted to an SOp/Channel Manager themselves. These members are there to enforce the channel policies & guidelines. They are more importantly there to assist users with any & all questions related to the channel. If a user needs further assistance not related to HTML/Web Design; these members continue to assist (or show them to the appropriate channel). These are the current auto operators in #html.
We have Uber|Dragon, Coult, KanKouni, Xzibit (lead auto operator), and entropy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of these operators when he/she is available in #HTML. If for any reason you have a question, suggestion &/or comment about one of the current operators; please feel free to direct your question to one of our Super Operators or Channel Managers.
We have Uber|Dragon, Coult, KanKouni, Xzibit (lead auto operator), and entropy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of these operators when he/she is available in #HTML. If for any reason you have a question, suggestion &/or comment about one of the current operators; please feel free to direct your question to one of our Super Operators or Channel Managers.
The channel voices are represented with a (+) plus sign next to his/her nickname. These members of our channel are those who have been around a while (a channel regular), or are slowly working there way to becoming one of our next channel operators. Keep in mind, just because you are voiced by one of the staff members that each member will continue to voice you upon entering. We thank each of our channel voices, without them continuing to help our current operators and other users, #html wouldn't exist.
Our current list of channel voices are RuneB, DataCable, zort, and munch.
If you have a problem with a channel voice, please contact any channel operator (@). He/she will be able to handle your issue(s). Please take a look at our operators list(s) and go to the appropriate staff member(s). You'll need to contact either an AOP or SOp for issues. - Thanks!
Our current list of channel voices are RuneB, DataCable, zort, and munch.
If you have a problem with a channel voice, please contact any channel operator (@). He/she will be able to handle your issue(s). Please take a look at our operators list(s) and go to the appropriate staff member(s). You'll need to contact either an AOP or SOp for issues. - Thanks!
For information about what it takes to be an operator in #html, or what we expect of the team members we currently have, please click here. By clicking on the link, you'll be redirected to a page that explains what we look for in a potential staff member, how we choose new users to be apart of the team, etc.