The #html op team is chosen with great care. This channel, and the users who frequent it, are very important to us. The operators (@) are chosen to join our team based on several points. First, you must be able to help users. The help provided in #html varies from every other help channel. You should be knowledged in html, xhtml, html5, css, javascript, databases, website building, website design, etc. Granted, you do not have to know every area that we provide help in, however, the more you know, the better odds you will have. Secondly, you must be able to provide basic help. This help includes DALnet commands, services commands, basic mIRC scripting, etc. It is mandatory that every op is capable of providing general assistance. Thirdly, you must be able to hold down a professional conversation, and have the ability to keep the chat in the main channel 'flowing'.
Being an operator in #html is not about 'looking cool'. It's not about who you can kick, or ban, or even voice. #html is an official network channel, and being an op in this channel not only reflects on upper management, but DALnet as a network. It's all about giving our users a safe place to get help, and to have friendly conversations. We have ops to warn users of our rules & policies. It's about being able to think on your feet; not loading a script and being idle. We can make plenty of bots to provide those services, but we can't teach a bot how to hold a conversation, and to think on it's feet. This is where 'live' ops come into play. It's up to you to read, comprehend, and make an informed decision. Being an op isn't about who can kick the most users, it's about being apart of a team. The #HTML team.
Advancement to Super Operator (SOp) status is something that is rare. Don't come into #html expecting that you'll make it to that position. The Super Operators are chosen based on their ability to get along with the management. They know all the rules, and when exactly those rules need to be enforced. They show leadership qualities, and are always active in the channel. They do not think of themselves as better than any other operator, they think of themselves as a strong part of a team. Being an SOp means that the founder has trusted you as a member of the #html team to be able to take care of channel issues, and operator issues when they arise.
If your find yourself asking to be an SOp in #html, the chances are, you're probably not ready for it. If you think that being an op in #html is 'elite', and will help you become an IRCOp; think again. Being an op in #html means that you've proven yourself to be apart of an official help channel on DALnet, it has also shown that you are serious about helping, and *possibly* helping your chances become noticed on the network. We don't expect you to live in #html 24/7; we all have lives. Some of us are busier then others. Some of us are parents, we have jobs, we have school, etc. We expect you to take care of your real world obligations before anything in #html. IRC is a hobby, it doesn't give you a paycheck, it doesn't get you a job, nor does it bath & feed the kids for you.
Being promoted to a channel Manager (Management) is even harder yet; as I'm sure you've imagined. Each manager in #html serves a particular purpose/role. For example, one manager may be in charge of the entire op team, while another is responsible for training. Being promoted to an #html manager is extremely rare. Managers have complete control over a channel; excluding the ability to transfer foundership, and dropping the channel. Giving another member the ability to make any/all changes to an official channel is difficult when dealing with an official help channel. DALnet likes to keep things simple, and when more & more people have the ability to make changes, it can become a mess. The managers in #html are completely trusted & trustworthy. They don't make any major changes (ie: setting/removing verbose; switching ModeLocks, Topic Lock, etc.) without the majority approval; or the approval from the founder. The Managers in #html keep each other updated on everything important, so if one managers tell you 'no', don't go 'fishing' for a 'yes' through another - it'll only make things look worse for yourself. Services only reserve 5 spots for managers, we've taken this position very seriously.
When you're not available to help; or away from the keyboard (afk), please either set your nick to something that shows you're away, or set an /away message. We also ask that you deop yourself. You may deop yourself to voice (+) status, however, we even recommend that you don't do that. We don't want users to join, ask for help, or chat without a response; especially if there are numerous people op'd or voiced at the time. This only discourages users, and gives us a bad reputation.
We're one of several official help channels on DALnet. We're not the only one, however, we are the only one that serves the purposes that we do. A user can find help in an unofficial channel elsewhere, however, we'd like to keep users coming back to #html. The success of the channel doesn't only depend on the management. It starts with our users, it continues with you, and relies on the upper management.
We are still in the beginning stages of being an official channel. There are users that are still learning about your new status every single day. If we start early with the quality help, users will know what channel they can depend on. Bad reputation spreads quicker then a channel with a good reputation. Remember, the person that gets helped in #html has family and friends. On average, one person tells 5-10 people when a positive interaction occurs. Though we're not overly concerned with the amount of users in #html, we would like to build a reputable userbase.
There are thousands of channels on DALnet, there aren't thousands of help channels. The places that users can go for official, quality help is limited. Being an official channel isn't something that means we can rest easy now. It means that we have to work twice as hard to maintain the level (and beyond) we're at.
Though we're attempting to build our staff around various areas of help, it doesn't mean that we need sub-par staff. There are many users who would enjoy the opportunity of just being apart of the #html team, and everyone is replaceable; including #html. Also, keep your eyes open for quality helpers. If you see someone that looks like they would be a great asset to our team, please let us know. We would like to find more staff members to help run, maintain, and build our channel. Just remember, quality over quantity.
Thank you for taking an interest in the #html team. We appreciate any & all feedback. We're open to suggestions about improving the channel. We're greatly appreciative to DALnet's Help Committee for seeing & believing in the help that we offer, and where we're headed in the future. We look forward to serving the DALnet community! At the top right hand corner are the links to our facebook page, the twitter account of #html's founder, and even email. Join our group, follow Keith on twitter, and email us your comments & suggestions.
* If you're reading this page as a user who would like to potentially join #html's team, and you think you have the ability, the time, etc. Please find Keith, or one of the Super Operators/Management online and send them a pm. They will get you started in the right direction. *
Being an operator in #html is not about 'looking cool'. It's not about who you can kick, or ban, or even voice. #html is an official network channel, and being an op in this channel not only reflects on upper management, but DALnet as a network. It's all about giving our users a safe place to get help, and to have friendly conversations. We have ops to warn users of our rules & policies. It's about being able to think on your feet; not loading a script and being idle. We can make plenty of bots to provide those services, but we can't teach a bot how to hold a conversation, and to think on it's feet. This is where 'live' ops come into play. It's up to you to read, comprehend, and make an informed decision. Being an op isn't about who can kick the most users, it's about being apart of a team. The #HTML team.
Advancement to Super Operator (SOp) status is something that is rare. Don't come into #html expecting that you'll make it to that position. The Super Operators are chosen based on their ability to get along with the management. They know all the rules, and when exactly those rules need to be enforced. They show leadership qualities, and are always active in the channel. They do not think of themselves as better than any other operator, they think of themselves as a strong part of a team. Being an SOp means that the founder has trusted you as a member of the #html team to be able to take care of channel issues, and operator issues when they arise.
If your find yourself asking to be an SOp in #html, the chances are, you're probably not ready for it. If you think that being an op in #html is 'elite', and will help you become an IRCOp; think again. Being an op in #html means that you've proven yourself to be apart of an official help channel on DALnet, it has also shown that you are serious about helping, and *possibly* helping your chances become noticed on the network. We don't expect you to live in #html 24/7; we all have lives. Some of us are busier then others. Some of us are parents, we have jobs, we have school, etc. We expect you to take care of your real world obligations before anything in #html. IRC is a hobby, it doesn't give you a paycheck, it doesn't get you a job, nor does it bath & feed the kids for you.
Being promoted to a channel Manager (Management) is even harder yet; as I'm sure you've imagined. Each manager in #html serves a particular purpose/role. For example, one manager may be in charge of the entire op team, while another is responsible for training. Being promoted to an #html manager is extremely rare. Managers have complete control over a channel; excluding the ability to transfer foundership, and dropping the channel. Giving another member the ability to make any/all changes to an official channel is difficult when dealing with an official help channel. DALnet likes to keep things simple, and when more & more people have the ability to make changes, it can become a mess. The managers in #html are completely trusted & trustworthy. They don't make any major changes (ie: setting/removing verbose; switching ModeLocks, Topic Lock, etc.) without the majority approval; or the approval from the founder. The Managers in #html keep each other updated on everything important, so if one managers tell you 'no', don't go 'fishing' for a 'yes' through another - it'll only make things look worse for yourself. Services only reserve 5 spots for managers, we've taken this position very seriously.
When you're not available to help; or away from the keyboard (afk), please either set your nick to something that shows you're away, or set an /away message. We also ask that you deop yourself. You may deop yourself to voice (+) status, however, we even recommend that you don't do that. We don't want users to join, ask for help, or chat without a response; especially if there are numerous people op'd or voiced at the time. This only discourages users, and gives us a bad reputation.
We're one of several official help channels on DALnet. We're not the only one, however, we are the only one that serves the purposes that we do. A user can find help in an unofficial channel elsewhere, however, we'd like to keep users coming back to #html. The success of the channel doesn't only depend on the management. It starts with our users, it continues with you, and relies on the upper management.
We are still in the beginning stages of being an official channel. There are users that are still learning about your new status every single day. If we start early with the quality help, users will know what channel they can depend on. Bad reputation spreads quicker then a channel with a good reputation. Remember, the person that gets helped in #html has family and friends. On average, one person tells 5-10 people when a positive interaction occurs. Though we're not overly concerned with the amount of users in #html, we would like to build a reputable userbase.
There are thousands of channels on DALnet, there aren't thousands of help channels. The places that users can go for official, quality help is limited. Being an official channel isn't something that means we can rest easy now. It means that we have to work twice as hard to maintain the level (and beyond) we're at.
Though we're attempting to build our staff around various areas of help, it doesn't mean that we need sub-par staff. There are many users who would enjoy the opportunity of just being apart of the #html team, and everyone is replaceable; including #html. Also, keep your eyes open for quality helpers. If you see someone that looks like they would be a great asset to our team, please let us know. We would like to find more staff members to help run, maintain, and build our channel. Just remember, quality over quantity.
Thank you for taking an interest in the #html team. We appreciate any & all feedback. We're open to suggestions about improving the channel. We're greatly appreciative to DALnet's Help Committee for seeing & believing in the help that we offer, and where we're headed in the future. We look forward to serving the DALnet community! At the top right hand corner are the links to our facebook page, the twitter account of #html's founder, and even email. Join our group, follow Keith on twitter, and email us your comments & suggestions.
* If you're reading this page as a user who would like to potentially join #html's team, and you think you have the ability, the time, etc. Please find Keith, or one of the Super Operators/Management online and send them a pm. They will get you started in the right direction. *